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Dressing Like an Onion
Time of transition is the bane of every lover of expeditions in the area. Whether you tackle the wider Bushcraft Survival, or whether it can be sacrificed ASG, miles-Sims or military know that this problem - instead of all the time properly overwelded przymrozić or weather changes like a kaleidoscope. Due to your numerous questions in regard to the selection of clothes on this time - we look a little closer to the theme.
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EDC, or magical 3 letters
For a long time in the industry there is a kind of fashion for equipment EDC (ang. Everyday carry, pol. Equipment girders daily), or things that you carry with you every day, and that in many everyday situations, save your, this time four letters before large and small interfering turbulence blissful routine - from opening a bottle of beer to help participants after a car accident. We can conclude that this is a bit of a set of daily survival.
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Flashlight - Your handy photon thrower
The stairwell fell again light, and you need to find your door keys and hit them groping in the lock. Under the desk, he fell to the dark carpet very small and this important element. You live at the unlit, very niewybrukowanej street and you want to come to your house wdeptując the occasion in any puddle or something worse.
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Hearing protectors - how not to become Beethoven among shooters
In contrast to vision loss, hearing loss is much more insidious. Is gradual and many people are affected by this issue does not respond in time, because they simply do not realize that something is wrong. Years of hard work have resulted in solutions that allowed a limit rising tide of deafness in the military and industry. The beneficiaries are also marksmen.
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Dog Tag
History immortals dates back to ancient Rome. In modern times, they became popular between the world wars. Their primary task was (and indeed still is) to facilitate the identification of a fallen soldier. Usually placed on nieśmiertelniku name, identification number, religion and blood, but this may vary depending on the formation and historical period.
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